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openmaiaMain Class Reference
[openmaia application objects]

#include <openmaia.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual bool OnInit ()
 Main function of the wx application.

virtual int OnExit ()
void LoadProfile (wxString)
 Load profile data.

void StartProfile ()
 Start child processes indicated by profile options.

void StopProfile ()
void StartConfigurator (wxString)
void SetParameter (wxString, wxString)
void Exit ()
 Exit from openmaia application.

void SaveOptions ()
 Save options.

void SetSubprocessParameters ()
void NotifyProcessStop (wxString)
 Notify that a child process has stopped.

Data Fields

wxString binPath
wxString currentProfileName

Private Member Functions

void OnTimer (wxTimerEvent &WXUNUSED(event))

Private Attributes

bool inDeveloperTree

wxTimer * timerIdleWakeUp
wxString processOptions

Detailed Description

This class is the openmaia program application class

Member Function Documentation

void openmaiaMain::Exit  ) 

Exit from openmaia application.

void openmaiaMain::LoadProfile wxString   ) 

Load profile data.

void openmaiaMain::NotifyProcessStop wxString   ) 

Notify that a child process has stopped.

int openmaiaMain::OnExit  )  [virtual]

bool openmaiaMain::OnInit  )  [virtual]

Main function of the wx application.

void openmaiaMain::OnTimer wxTimerEvent &  WXUNUSED(event)  )  [private]

Timer handler. Flush child streams.

void openmaiaMain::SaveOptions  ) 

Save options.

void openmaiaMain::SetParameter wxString  ,

void openmaiaMain::SetSubprocessParameters  ) 

void openmaiaMain::StartConfigurator wxString  name  ) 

Start a specific configurator. A configurator is started as a subprocess but is not inserted in the list of the processes of the profile.

name name of the configurator to start.

void openmaiaMain::StartProfile  ) 

Start child processes indicated by profile options.

void openmaiaMain::StopProfile  ) 

Field Documentation

wxString openmaiaMain::binPath

wxString openmaiaMain::currentProfileName

bool openmaiaMain::inDeveloperTree [private]


openmaiaFrame* openmaiaMain::mainFrame

openmaiaOptions* openmaiaMain::options

openmaiaProcessesHandler* openmaiaMain::processesHandler

wxString openmaiaMain::processOptions [private]

Store child processes common options in base of openmaia options

openmaiaServer* openmaiaMain::server

wxTimer* openmaiaMain::timerIdleWakeUp [private]

This timer is used to flush stdout events from child processes to parent process. Without this child processes will block parent process.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: