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omXMLParameters Class Reference

#include <omXMLParameters.h>

Public Member Functions

 omXMLParameters ()
bool AddParameter (wxString, wxString)
wxString GetValue (wxString)
int GetIntValue (wxString)
wxString GetName (int)
wxString GetValue (int)
wxString GetLowerValue (int)
wxString GetLowerValue (wxString)
wxString GetLowerName (int)
int GetParsNumber ()
omXMLParameter GetNextParameter ()
void ResetCounter ()

Protected Attributes

std::vector< omXMLParameterparameters
int num
int cur

Detailed Description

This class handle a list of parameters used by the XML parser. Some methods let you insert and retrive parameters, one by one or searching by name.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

omXMLParameters::omXMLParameters  ) 

Construct the class

Member Function Documentation

bool omXMLParameters::AddParameter wxString  n,
wxString  v

Add new parameter in the structure. If there is another parameter with the same name the function return false and doesn't insert the new parameter.

n name of the parameter.
v value of the parameter.
true if parameter is added successfully.

int omXMLParameters::GetIntValue wxString  n  ) 

Get integer value of parameter value by name.

n name of the parameter
value of the parameter. If name is not found -1.

wxString omXMLParameters::GetLowerName int  i  ) 

Return the name of the parameter in lowercase by index.

i index of the parameter.
name of the parameter. If the parameter doesn't exist returns a void wxString.

wxString omXMLParameters::GetLowerValue wxString  n  ) 

Get parameter value in lowercase by name.

n name of the parameter
value of the parameter. If name is not found returns a void wxString.

wxString omXMLParameters::GetLowerValue int  i  ) 

Return the value of the parameter in lowercase by index.

i index of the parameter.
lowercase value of the parameter. If the parameter doesn't exist returns a void wxString.

wxString omXMLParameters::GetName int  i  ) 

Return the name of the parameter by index.

i index of the parameter.
name of the parameter. If the parameter doesn't exist returns a void wxString.

omXMLParameter omXMLParameters::GetNextParameter  ) 

int omXMLParameters::GetParsNumber  ) 

Return the number of stored parameters

number of stored parameters

wxString omXMLParameters::GetValue int  i  ) 

Return the value of the parameter by index.

i index of the parameter.
value of the parameter. If the parameter doesn't exist returns a void wxString.

wxString omXMLParameters::GetValue wxString  n  ) 

Get parameter value by name.

n name of the parameter
value of the parameter. If name is not found returns a void wxString.

void omXMLParameters::ResetCounter  ) 

Reset the counter to 0. This function is used in automatic retrive mode for resetting keyboard .

Field Documentation

int omXMLParameters::cur [protected]

int omXMLParameters::num [protected]

std::vector<omXMLParameter > omXMLParameters::parameters [protected]

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