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Construction of openmaia::connector

connector object must be allocated on the heap so it is necessary that the object is created as pointer and allocated with new operator. The correct way to use the object is:
  openmaia::connector *myconnector = new openmaia::connector();

There are four constructors for the connector objects according with the use you want to do.

Construct an instance of connector that will connect to localhost:60201 server and will not receive messages from TCP.

Construct an instance of connector that will connect to host:port server and will not receive messages from TCP.

-connector(void (*handler)(openmaia::message))
Construct an instance of connector that will connect to localhost:60201 server and will call function handler when a message arrive.

-connector(void (*handler)(openmaia::message),host,port)
Construct an instance of connector that will connect to host:port server and will call function handler when a message arrive.
